Saturday, October 18, 2008

Vision, Mission and Objectives

•To be the community based training infrastructure of choice to provide workplace-readiness, basic entry level computer training and related initiatives to unemployed members of communities on a national basis.
•To connect previously disadvantaged, unemployed community based individuals to their inner potential to assist them in finding employment and reducing poverty within their communities.
•Community development for poor and needy persons and anti-poverty initiatives, including:
1) the promotion of community-based projects relating to self-help, empowerment, capacity building, skills development or antipoverty;
2) the provision of training, support or assistance to community based projects contemplated in item (1);
•Providing of financial assistance such as scholarships, bursaries and awards for study, research and teaching to students from a previously disadvantaged community;
•Providing a mentorship program to these students;
•Enabling students to achieve their full potential;
•Providing a workplace environment to these students;
•Directing students in career opportunities;
•Safeguarding assets and investments held for the purpose of supporting these students.

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